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Article 1 Application of URDG 本规则的适用范围

a. The Uniform Rules for Dema nd Guarantees ("URDG") apply to any dema nd guara ntee or counter-guarantee that expressly indicates it is subject to them. They are binding on all parties to the dema nd guara ntee or cou nteuguara ntee except so far as the dema nd guara ntee or cou nter-guarantee modifies or excludes them.

《见索即付保函统一规则》(以下简称“本规则”)适用于任何在其文本中清楚地表示受本规则 约束的见索即付保函或者反担保函。除非见索即付保函或者反担保函修改或者排除本规则的条文, 否则本规则对见索即付保函或者反担保函的所有当事各方均具有约束力。

b. Where, at the request of a coun ter-guara ntor, a dema nd guara ntee is issued subject to the URDG, the counter-guarantee shall also be subject to the URDG, unless the counter-guarantee excludes the URDG. However, a dema nd guara ntee does not become subject to the URDG merely because the counter-guarantee is subject to the URDG.

当按照反扌口保人的要求,见索即付保函是适用于本规则所开立的,那么反担保函也将同样适用于 本规则,除非反拒保函排除了本规则。但是,仅仅因为反担保函适用于本规则,并不能说明见索 即付保函也同样适用于本规则。

c・ Where, at the request or with the agreeme nt of the in structi ng party, a dema nd guara ntee or counter-guarantee is issued subject to the URDG, the instructing party is deemed to have accepted the rights and obligations expressly ascribed to it in these rules.

当按照指示方的要求或者同意,见索即付保函或者反担保函是适用于本规则所开立的,那么指示 方将被视为已经接受了本规则对其所清楚描述的权利和义务。

d・ Where a dema nd guara ntee or coun ter-guara ntee issued on or after 1 July 2010 states that it is subject to the URDG without stating whether the 1992 version or the 2010 revision is to apply or indicating the publication number, the demand guarantee or counter-guarantee shall be subject to the URDG 2010 revision.

在2010年7月1日当天或者之后开立的见索即付保函或者反担保函声明其适用于URDG,但是却 没有说明是适用于1992年版还是2010年版或者注明出版编号的情况下,该见索即付保函或者反 担保函将被认为是适用URDG 2010年版的。

Article 2 Definitions 定义

In these rules:

advising party means the party that advises the guarantee at the request of the guarantor;


applicant means the party indicated in the guarantee as having its obligation under the underlying relationship supported by the guarantee. The applicant may or may not be the instructin


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